I’m Ashamed of Americans
Some 80 years ago, just after December 7, 1941, hundreds of thousands of American men left their homes, their jobs and their families to stand in line to join the military. Boys, young men, old men, Liberals, Conservatives, Independents, white, black, red, yellow and brown, straight and gay, husbands, fathers, sons, and brothers. They were ready, willing and able to sacrifice anything and everything for their country. These men were called the Greatest Generation, and rightly so.
For many years I have worried that if the United States were to face another crisis, we Americans would not be up to the task, and my fears have now been fully realized. In the last half century, I have seen us turn into a nation of fat, spoiled, self-indulgent, self-involved people who care nothing for anyone but ourselves. No manners, not a trace of self-sacrifice, and a complete unwillingness to put the needs of others or our country first. I am embarrassed and ashamed of the nation we have become. This pandemic has brought out the worst in our leaders and ourselves. We could have worked together, but instead have chosen to work against each other. It is truly sad and shameful. We are fractured and divided; certainly not a united people or a “United” States.
A year ago, we found ourselves faced with a new test of our resolve and sacrifice, albeit nothing like that which came before. A pandemic was ravaging our country, and indeed the whole world. Some claim it is some kind of global conspiracy and that it was not actually real. These conspiracy buffs can offer no proof; just oft-repeated theories that seem to gain traction simply in the re-telling.
What would have happened to us 80 years ago if this same selfish belligerent attitude had existed and people refused to acknowledge the dangers we faced or decided their personal liberty, politics and “rights” were more important than our nation? We would have lost the war. Each and every one of us should thank God that Americans then were not like Americans now.
Today, we have no backbone. We have no national pride. We have tribal politics and refuse to consider any other opinion than our own. We invent or subscribe to unproven conspiracies to justify our own selfish, spoiled whims.
For as long as I’ve been alive, I have seen signs that say “NO SHIRT, NO SHOES, NO SERVICE.” Not once have I ever seen anyone say that their liberty is being taken away because they have to wear shoes and a shirt to enter a business. Why is it now that donning a mask somehow takes away your liberty? The bottom line is that does not. Mask or no, our liberty has not changed. I have never heard of anyone berating, assaulting or killing another American because we are ordered to wear seat belts or motorcycle helmets. And yet the internet has daily stories of exactly that with regard to masks. Why? What is so heinous about a simple mask that would drive so many Americans to violence? If masks do nothing, why would doctors and surgical staff wear them in the operating theater? Isn’t it enough that it might be real and you might actually minimize the spread of this virus? Some refuse to even consider the needs or safety of others. Even if you think the pandemic is not real…even if you think masks don’t work…even if you think it was all a plan to ruin the economy, how can it hurt to wear a mask?
If you think the virus is a hoax, that is your right. If you believe that masks are stupid, don’t wear one. If you believe it’s all a conspiracy, it’s okay. But why attack another American, verbally or physically, simply because you have a different political viewpoint? What is wrong with constructive discourse? If you calmly state your case, and cite real facts, you might actually stand a chance of changing someone’s mind. Name calling, assaults and personal attacks engender a defensive posture, not a willingness to consider an alternate viewpoint.
I DON’T BELIEVE THAT ANYONE SHOULD HAVE TO WEAR A MASK BY LAW. IT IS YOUR LIFE AND YOU ALONE SHOULD DECIDE WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU. I do, however, believe that a business owner has the right to require you to wear a mask to enter his/her business. And if you want to enter that business you should comply with the wishes of that owner. If you don’t like the rules, simply walk on by, and find a business more to your liking.
If people truly wanted to Make America Great Again, they would pull together, and in the words of John F. Kennedy, whom I personally saw as a boy, “Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country”. If each of us was to think of others once in a while, instead of only ourselves, this county might again become great. A little more acceptance, tolerance, understanding of others and a little less militancy and belligerence would be a great start.
I shun fundamentalist Baptists, Catholics, Mormons, Muslims, Jews or any other group incapable of tolerance or acceptance. The extreme ends of the political spectrum are not for me. I rather enjoy a spirited political discussion and hearing from others who believe differently than I do.
So long as many Americans are more worried about themselves and have no consideration for other Americans, other cultures or different political views, we better all start to learn Chinese. If you don’t like an American asking you to wear a mask to enter a business, do you think Chinese law will be more to your liking? Unless we pull together, we as a nation may not survive much longer.