We’re living in an Ideocracy

Conspiracy theories seem to be the new normal in America; lunatics abound, and the inmates are running the asylum.  

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Just before the election last November, a right-wing friend of mine warned that America would be a Communist country within a month if Biden got elected.  (It’s been two months since the election, and I think we’re still a Democratic Republic, but who knows; those sneaky Commies)

He told me that Homeland Security had concentration camps built all over America, to imprison us all as part of a global LIberal conspiracy, and that all vaccinations contain components to control our minds.  

I ran into someone else who told me that cellular phone signals are irradiating us all, and that contrails from airplanes in the sky contain chemical and biological agents designed to modify the weather, manipulate our minds, and control the population growth.    (I always wondered why I misplaced my keys and the remote control?)

 When asked about the pandemic on January  22, 2020 President Trump stated “It’s going to be just fine”…”We have it totally under control.” (Of course; just don’t ask those 500,000 dead people….who probably voted….for Biden)

Months later Trump suggested people could inject disinfectant to treat COVID-19. “I’m not a doctor. But I’m, like, a person that has a good you-know-what,” he said, pointing to his head. He also said he has “a natural instinct for science.” (Not because he has any formal training, but because his uncle was a scientist)

And we all know that Mr. Trump doesn’t believe in climate change.   (I’m sure that devastating snowstorm in Texas a few weeks ago was just fake news)

Marjorie Taylor Greene created a White House petition to impeach Pelosi for treason after Pelosi did not vote to fund former President Donald Trump's border wall in 2019. She also wrote a "press release" suggesting that Pelosi could be executed for treason.   In other newly-uncovered tweets and posts, Greene also liked a call to put Pelosi to death. In one tweet, she said she hoped Pelosi would lose her memory sitting in prison.  Greene later denounced the violence at the Capitol but falsely blamed it on "BLM/Antifa violence" in a statement. (I just can’t figure out why any of those hundreds of people arrested so far have turned out to be BLM or Antifa baddies)

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Before she ran for Congress, Greene embraced violent, fringe conspiracies. Chief among them was the QAnon conspiracy theory -- that pits former President Trump in an imagined battle against a cabal of Satan-worshipping, child-abusing Democrats and celebrities.   In another post from 2018, Greene wrote a theory that the deadly wildfires in California that year were caused by a laser from space, possibly controlled by the Rothschild investment bank. (Those darn cannibalistic pedophiles with their lasers; I have to kick them off the front yard almost every night)

In September, 2000, U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, agreeing with the arguments of Fox's lawyers stated that The "'general tenor' of the Tucker Carlson show should then inform a viewer that he is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.   Fox’s own attorneys argued that “no reasonable viewer” would take Tucker Carlson seriously.   In other words, everything that comes of his mouth is a made-up fairy tale.   (Please don’t tell me that FOX News is NOT news after all) 

 Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri said his constituents back home had been “loud and clear” that they believed Trump had been cheated.   In the absence of any evidence of widespread voter fraud, Josh Hawley (R-MO) and his GOP colleagues are acting on the feelings of their voters about false claims of vote rigging. That’s right, just on feelings, nothing more. They feel bad about their guy losing, so we’ll throw democracy in the blender because they can’t believe it happened. (I can’t believe that I’m old and attractive women don’t fall at my feet, but it doesn’t change the truth of the matter)

 Crackpot Rudy Giuliani said he had over 100 affidavits showing voter fraud, but somehow couldn’t actually find them.   Apparently, a lot of dead people voted as well, but none of them showed up to testify.  (Maybe the dead people stole them. You just can’t trust a zombie.)

How about Trump’s attorney Sidney Powell, who has been at the forefront of absolute election nonsense since election night. Powell knows who were the real bad guys responsible for Trump’s election defeat:  “The Dominion Voting Systems, the Smartmatic technology software, and the software that goes in other computerized voting systems here as well, not just Dominion, were created in Venezuela at the direction of Hugo Chavez,” (I guess the Justice Department, FBI, State Courts, Federal Courts and Supreme Court were conspiring together; I hate it when that happens) 

Then there’s QAnon, A group of fringe American far-right Conspiracy theorists who believe that a secret cabal of Satan-worshipping cannibalistic pedophiles is running a world-wide child sex-trafficking ring and plotting against Donald Trump. (Again with the cannibalistic pedophiles; why can’t they leave the Donald alone?)

And finally, the rank and file MAGA followers who insist A. The virus isn’t real, and B. Masks do nothing to help stop the spread of anything, and that making them wear a mask takes away their freedom and liberty.   I wonder if they demand the surgical team take all the masks off when they have a procedure in the hospital. But hey, we already know masks don’t work….and seat belts don’t work….and motorcycle helmets don’t work… and condoms don’t work.   (The only things I know that don’t work are my neighbor’s lazy kids and most of my flashlights. I wonder why NO SHIRT, NO SHOES, NO SERVICE doesn’t take away their freedom, but 2 ounces of cloth over their mouth and nose does? )

With all these crackpots elected to office, who can argue that the lunatics aren’t running the asylum? The people least capable of running our country are now in charge. No wonder the result is chaos in America.







Ingua in maxillam


A cult of personality