What’s good for the goose is good for the gander . . .
What’s good for the goose is good for the Gander. . .
Just over three months ago, the State of Texas outlawed abortion and weaponized the citizenry to enforce that law. It essentially made anyone and everyone a legal vigilante. For the time being, Texas has banned abortion in violation of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Whether you’re Pro-life or Pro-choice, you should be very alarmed at this latest machination by the Texas legislature.
Just today I read that Governor Newsome of California announced that his State would use the Texas model to go after gun owners. By following Texas’ lead, any State can now overrule the Constitution or Federal Law by utilizing the same scheme to pursue whatever agenda the majority party wants.
Red States could now complete their bucket list. They could legally end abortion for any reason, further militarize the police, criminalize public demonstrations, end all immigration, ban all non-Christians, Gays, Transgenders, flag-burning, speech about global warming, anti-Republican or Trump speech, mask wearing and vaccinations. They could ban labor unions, the consumption of alcohol, re-institute segregation, turn back the clock on women’s rights, make capital punishment legal for many crimes, eliminate all appeals in death penalty cases, expand stem cell research, end unemployment, welfare and food stamps, cut back or eliminate Social Security, eliminate corporate and inheritance taxes and kill Obamacare.
Blue States would be happy as well. They could expand the public dole; end gun ownership, allow unrestricted immigration while granting immigrants the right to vote and receive free health care, decriminalize crimes against children, legalize hard drugs, while banning soda pop and cigarettes, institute Universal Basic Income, free child care, school lunches and University for all, allow teenagers to vote and drastically increase all sales and income taxes. Just use your imagination; the list is endless.
If this Texas law is allowed to stand, we are all in danger. There will be no end to the ways politicians will use it to pursue their agendas, and our fractured country will become even more divided and hyper-politicized. I can see tariffs and passports being required between red and blue states.
With this new law, the State of Texas has sown the wind, and unless the Supreme Court puts an end to this madness, we will all reap the whirlwind. Thanks for nothing, Texas.
UPDATE: 15 Dec 2021. New York Attorney General Letitia James just stated publicly: “We need to follow his lead” in reference to California Governor Gavin Newsom as she intends to go after gun manufacturers. If you don’t know it, gun manufacturers have immunity from lawsuits; if this ends, it means the end of all new guns in America.