Co-opting America

For well over half a century, when I saw the word “patriot”, it conjured an image in my mind of the quintessential minuteman; that gallant Revolutionary War soldier standing ever-ready to defend Colonial America.

Now when I hear the word patriot, I associate it with a pudgy wannabe dressed in the standard garb of a modern day White Supremist: Camouflage pants, body armor, an AR15, a shemagh and a Confederate or American flag. In other words, a radicalized right-wing Trump supporter. It is not the image of a brave warrior fighting for these United States, but an American fanatic, wiling to destroy the United States to prop up a tin pot dictator who stands for all things decidedly un-American. I see a twenty first century version of the KKK, outfitted in their robes and pointed hoods.

Since I was a young boy, whenever I saw an American flag waving, it gave me pause, as I thought of all the brave young men who fought and died in the wars in Europe and on the side of the Union in the Civil War.

Now when I see an American flag flying, it’s usually in the bed of a four wheel drive truck, which is plastered with Pro-Trump stickers and perhaps a Confederate or obscene anti-Biden flag. The stars and stripes has become a symbol of White supremacy, a call to arms for civil war, and many things I definitely do not associate with pride. At times like this, I see the American flag in a way I do not like.

If I, a lifelong Conservative white man, now see the word “patriot” and the American flag as symbols of hate, racism and division, I can only imagine what they mean to Black Americans, and every decent American should be angry about this.

This is hardly the first time white supremacists have appropriated an icon to use as a symbol of hate. The KKK used a burning cross to terrify their victims; taking a Christian image and perverting into the embodiment of evil. The Nazi swastika was used as long as 7000 years ago to represent the movement of the sun through the sky. The word comes from the Sanskrit svastika, which means “good fortune” or “well-being”.

How dare the right wing radicals co-opt these icons of Americana and pervert them to represent the opposite of their original meanings! I used to be proud of America; now I am ashamed of what we have become. We used to be a country of hard working, determined, proud people who selflessly served one another. I fear we are now a mean-spirited, soulless nation of fat, lazy, self-centered bigots who care nothing for anyone. We, as individuals have become the very Americans so long hated by the rest of the world. Pushy and arrogant, we act as if we are God’s chosen, when in fact we are anything but.

Americans have turned into monsters. I liked it so much better when our racism, bad manners, hatred and bigotry remained hidden under a thin veneer of civility. I liked it much better when the American flag and the word patriot meant the symbol of a somewhat just and fair country, and people willing to fight to preserve that nation. The MAGA crowd is now the MAGAGA crowd; Make America Gag Again.

In the words of John Kay:

Once the religious, the hunted and weary

Chasing the promise of freedom and hope

Came to this country to build a new vision

Far from the reaches of Kingdom and pope.


Like good Christians some would burn the witches

Later some got slaves to gather riches.


But still from near and far to seek America

They came by thousands, to court the wild

But she just patiently smiled and bore a child

To be their spirit and guiding light.


And once the ties with the crown had been broken

Westward in saddle and wagon it went

And till the railroad linked ocean to ocean

Many the lives which had come to an end.


While we bullied, stole and bought a homeland

We began the slaughter of the red man.


But still from near and far to seek America

They came by thousands to court the wild

But she just patiently smiled and bore a child

To be their spirit and guiding light.


The Blue and Grey they stomped it

They kicked it just like a dog

 And when the war was over

They stuffed it just like a hog.


And though the past has its share of injustice

Kind was the spirit in many a way

But its protectors and friends have been sleeping

Now it's a monster and will not obey.


The spirit was freedom and justice

And its keepers seemed generous and kind

Its leaders were supposed to serve the country

But now they won't pay it no mind

Cause the people grew fat and got lazy

Now their vote is a meaningless joke

They babble about law and order

But it's all just an echo of what they've been told.


Yeah, there's a monster on the loose

It's got our heads into the noose

And it just sits there watchin'.


The cities have turned into jungles

And corruption is stranglin' the land

The policeforce is watching the people

And the people just can't understand

We don't know how to mind our own business

'Cause the whole world's got to be just like us

Now we are fighting a war over there

No matter who's the winner we can't pay the cost.


'Cause there's a monster on the loose

It's got our heads into the noose

And it just sits there watchin'.


America, where are you now

Don't you care about your sons and daughters

Don't you know we need you now

We can't fight alone against the monster.


America, where are you now?

Don't you care about your sons and daughters?

Don't you know we need you now?

We can't fight alone against the monster?



Intractability, Extremism and Hate are consuming America.


The Difference Between Liberals and Conservatives