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Ingua in maxillam

Two days ago the Governors of Texas and MIssissippi announced that they were going to order the end to all mask mandates and allow businesses to open without restrictions.

President Biden responded with, “The last thing we need is Neanderthal thinking that in the meantime everything’s fine, take off your mask, forget it.”

This heartless comment by Biden revealed the true colors of the Democrats.   His statement was deeply offensive and a blatant example of Speciesism. This was wrong on so many levels.

Biden told us he would unite America, but now he’s driven a permanent wedge between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals with this demeaning comment. It was hurtful and just goes to show that Mr. Biden cares nothing for the feelings of Neanderthals. His rhetoric may well incite radical left-wing hate groups to violence. His words were a bell that cannot be un-rung, and If this escalates into violence and genocide by radical Democrats, Neanderthals may disappear forever.

Oh, the humanity. . . . I am speechless, ladies and gentlemen. . . . Honestly, I can hardly breathe.

Biden’s hurtful comments about our Neanderthal brethren reveal these deep-seated-Homo-Sapien-supremist Democrats for what they really are.  They care nothing for other species and their feelings.    What’s next?  Are they going to degrade the Denisovans or the Australopithecus people?   Not even Homo Floresiensis are safe from these speciesist bigots.  Only the Republicans stand as the voice for the little people of America.   

Why are Mr. Biden and the Democratic party so hateful?  

The Republican party has always been the party of love and inclusion; it represents all people, whether they walked upright or not.  Only the Republicans and the party of President Donald Trump care enough to hold these “Demoncrats” accountable for this travesty.   The problems we face in America pale in comparison to the feelings of Neanderthals, and only the Republicans have the clarity and vision to see this. 

Together, we can all hold Mr. Biden accountable for his lack of empathy and his willingness to abandon long standing political and constitutional traditions, his characterization of right-minded thinking as Neanderthal, his egregious use of hate and fear, and the Democratic party’s moral bankruptcy in its refusal to confront him. It’s just another example of Biden’s outrageous behavior that has shattered virtually every norm in American and Neanderthal society.

Fortunately for us all, the ranks of Republicans are filled with good and decent Americans like Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, who will not stand by and allow this to happen without speaking up.  He knows that the feelings of our hirsute brethren are more important than a few hundred thousand dead Americans.  

Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee likewise rushed to protect the Neanderthals, saying "Neanderthals are hunter-gatherers, they're protectors of their family, they are resilient, they're resourceful, they tend to their own," Blackburn said. "So, I think Joe Biden needs to rethink what he is saying."

Republican Senator Marco Rubio tweeted that “President Biden’s use of an old stereotype is hurtful…he should apologize for his insensitive comments and seek training on unconscious bias.”

Only the Republicans have the right priorities, focus and vision for America.  Do not be distracted by the Democrats.   If we don’t stop them now, the radical left-wingers will be walking around with AR15s, storming government buildings, spouting neverending conspiracy theories and claiming that our elections are rigged. 

This cannot be allowed to continue; it must stop now.    Extinct people must rise up and let their voices be heard.    “Stop the Steal” was just the beginning. Each and every patriotic American can stand with the Republican party by donating now to Mr. Trump and the new Republican party.

Mr. Biden; you have gone too far!

President Biden, Kamala Harris and every single Democrat should resign immediately and restore President Trump to the office stolen from him by Hugo Chavez and the damnable, devious, dastardly Democrats, and the machinations of their malicious, malevolent immoral minions . Together, President Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Ron Johnson and Madison Cawthorn will Make America Great Again.

God bless Donald Trump and the Republican party!



URGENT:  PLEASE DONATE TO W.E.S.P.E.N.D., The Worldwide Education Society to Protect Extinct Neanderthals from Democrats