Trump supporters, Transgender proponents and angry Black Americans. Three sides of the same stupid coin.

I was watching a video on the internet yesterday of Trump supporters at a rally being asked questions about all things Trump, when I suddenly realized that I’d heard their rationale before. Listening to those mindless trolls, It hit me that they are exactly the same as the other groups in our society who desperately want to be victims; namely the radical left and racist black people, each with their own personal agenda.

If you ask a transgender agenda spouting radical left winger to define a woman, they will do everything BUT define a woman, while any sane person knows it’s an “adult human female.”    They will go around the subject, under the subject and over the subject, but they won’t answer.  Typically, they will get very defensive and verbally attack the questioner.   And when pushed into a corner, they invariably respond with “feelings”.   “A woman is someone who thinks they’re a woman or who feels like a woman.”    In other words, using a word to define the same word; something we were told in grade school was not permitted.    They argue that trans men can menstruate and have babies, but in reality they’re speaking of woman pretending to be men.   They have convinced themselves that they know the truth, so they ignore Biology, history and common sense, because “they just know”.    

One cannot change one’s biology or reality by thinking or feeling like something else.   I am 70 years old and I feel much younger, but the fact is that I’m still 70 years old.    Nature is funny that way in that it doesn’t care about my feelings.   Some days I imagine myself as young, vibrant, good looking and God’s gift to womankind, but guess what?  Reality and nature.  You can’t actually change your age, your sex, your gender or the Laws of gravity, and any attempt to do so is an fools errand or an illusion.

When you question a Trump supporter about the last election, they will say it was stolen, but when you ask for proof, or a specific example, they will go around the subject, under the subject and over the subject, but they won’t answer.  Typically, they will get very defensive and verbally attack the questioner.  And when pushed into a corner, they invariably respond with feelings. “I just know it was stolen” or “everybody knows” or some other statement which proves that they have not one shred of proof.  Their opinion is based solely on how they feel.   They might quote some rant they saw on Facebook, Fox, InfoWars, Newsmax, or something one of their friends told them, but rest assured, there won’t be a single verifiable fact.     They’ve made up their minds that they possess the mental capacity and clarity of thought  to know the real truth and nothing is going to change that, despite any and all evidence to the contrary.   Ask them who or what the so-called and oft-mentioned Deep State is, and their incandescent stupidity will make your eyes water.    It was just about four years ago to the day that a former right-wing lunatic friend of mine told me “Mark my words.  If Biden is elected, the U.S. will be a Communist country within two months!”   It’s been almost four years, and there’s no hammer and sickle flying at the White House yet.   How these people function, wake up every morning and find their way to work is a mystery to me.   

For the last four years, we’ve seen this insanity continue unabated.  A multi-million dollar “audit” in Arizona by openly and avowed partisan Trump supporters found no irregularities or problems.  Approximately 60 court cases challenged the election in some form and ended with no proof of any kind.  Kari Lake’s efforts to channel Trump and his lies died with a whimper and not one single shred of her so-called proof.   Several States have indicted a number of politicians, lawyers and other business professionals (Every single one a Trump supporter) for election interference.  Mike Lindell, the MY PILLOW guy, and Rudy Giuliani have been publicly humiliated and that’s just the beginning.  Both will surely be bankrupt and Giuliani looks as if he’s headed to prison.   Most of Trump’s acolytes and attorneys who were in on the Big Lie have lost their licenses or pled guilty to election interference or some other related crime, yet Trump supporters continue to this day to spout the same tired twaddle, all the while arming themselves with more of the same for the upcoming election.    The Big Lie 2.0 is being fired up and readied for 2025 and beyond.   It’s primed, loaded, cocked and locked and they are going to fire when Trump loses.    You have to give these idiots some credit.  What they lack in critical thinking ability, they make up for in lemming-like dedication to follow Trump no matter the personal cost, as Trump cares nothing for them once their usefulness has ended.  

When you speak to an angry Black American, they will complain about racism.  Why?  Because they see a racist behind every bush.    They hunger and long for racism.   They need racism; it gives them a reason to live and a ready explanation for why everything doesn’t go their way.    They seek to blame every single one of life’s setbacks and problems on racism.  They cannot for an instant accept that bad things happen to good people every minute of every day, regardless of the race of the person.   If anything bad happens to them, or they don’t get all they want, it was clearly racism and there’s always a white person to blame, because “they just know”.   

Many of these same black people hate whites with a passion and aren’t one bit embarrassed to say it.     They complain that white people are racist, while openly expressing their hatred of all white folks.  The openly laugh and make fun of white people, in public and on stage, with impunity.    “White people can’t dance”.  “White people can’t play basketball”.   “White people have no soul”.   “White women don’t know how to make potato salad”.  (Yes, I was actually told that by a black racist).  They have convinced themselves that they cannot be racist because the melanin content of their skin somehow makes them immune.   The truth is that rattlesnakes are not immune to rattlesnake bites and black folks can be racist, just like everyone else. 

The far right believes in Donald Trump and it doesn’t matter what the truth is, or that there is a total lack of evidence or actual facts to support Trump’s conspiracy theories or the constant and never-ending whining of the orange man-child.   I just watched a video on YouTube where a proud Trump supporter said “I’m with him to the finish.  He could stand on the front steps of the White House and commit murder.  I’m with him.”     That’s what the rest of us haven’t fully realized.   Trump’s followers don’t care if he’s convicted of rape, election interference, fraud, stealing top secret documents and committing treason, cheating on his taxes, or even committing murder.  They are willing to throw away common decency, fair play, ethics, the rule of law, democratic ideals, the constitution, their own freedom and anything and everything else in their worship of Trump.     They simply do not care what he does.   With Trump, all is allowed and forgiven.  They are self-satisfied and smug because others are just too stupid to see how obvious it all is.      They call anyone who doesn’t support Trump “sheep” and “RINOs” and accuse them of being programmed and unable to think for themselves.  They accuse the Democrats of stealing the election, even though the last three years have provided concrete, verifiable, legally admissible evidence that it was actually Trump and his supporters themselves who were actively engaged in trying to steal the election.    They blame others for every machination and crime they themselves commit. 

They wear T-shirts and plaster their vehicles with obscene Biden messages and claim he is too stupid to run the country or even walk and chew gum.   At the same time, they accuse him of stealing the election and hiding every shred of evidence, while simultaneously railroading Trump in criminal prosecutions to the tune of some 91 felony charges.     Which is it?  Is Biden a doddering old fool drooling in his Cheerios or a brilliant geriatric criminal mastermind?  How is it that  they demean and make fun of the President as a bumbling moron but claim he has somehow put together a complex program that has stymied the man who describes himself as “really smart, a very stable genius?”    That Biden is such a rascal!

Trump supporters can look at a group of black folks marching and see a riot, but they look at the January 6th rioters storming the Capitol, wounding and killing police officers and see a peaceful gathering; audio-video evidence, witness statements and wounded and dead police officers be damned.      All the while claiming they “Back the Blue.”  They now call those convicted criminals “patriots” and “hostages”.  They make claims that all the rioters were actually Democrats and FBI dressed as Trump supporters.  If it wasn’t so absolutely unbelievable, dangerous and insane, it would be funny.

Virtually all of Trump’s former White House staff has turned on him, but not Biden’s.  To Trump sycophants, the explanation is simple.  It just means that each and every one of the former Trump staffers were stupid, no good, worthless, talentless, gutless, chickenshit liars who sold out to Biden and his devious plan.   Of course they were.    According to Trump and his butt-kissing followers, when it comes to him, the Justice Department is corrupt, the FBI is corrupt, the courts are corrupt, prosecutors are corrupt, and all joined in a conspiracy to get him.   All designed to pick on Trump.  

We saw this same thing with Charles Manson decades ago.  Absolute fealty and blind subservience.  Trump supporters call everyone else week-minded and ignorant, claiming the’ve all been brainwashed, but they themselves refuse to see or consider any facts that point to anything other than their deluded and imagined reality.       Show them actual proof, video evidence or even Trump’s own words on Truth Social and they will say it’s all fake.   Nothing you can say or do or prove will move the needle one iota.   If the heavens opened up and God in all his glory condemned Trump as a criminal and a fraud, Trump’s supporters would denounce God.   Even the so-called Christians and Religious Right.   

Not unlike the radical left trans-gender fanatics who hate everyone that is not trans or a trans sympathizer, to the point that they even named us “CIS”.  They’re angry and they want us to know it.   The very people who don’t like to be pigeon-holed or confined to a specific gender have no problem slapping a label on the regular people and shaming us at every turn by accusing us of being biased against them.       If you look up and see a man and reflexively say “Sir”, and he thinks he’s a woman, he will attack you for mis-gendering him and brand you a hate-filled, terrible human being.  You might even be sued or arrested.  Don’t even think of challenging Bubba who wants to be a ballerina or use the girl’s bathroom at the grade school. 

LIke Trump supporters, TG advocates hate everyone unwilling to participate in their particular delusions.   They refuse to conform or abide by traditional male/female gender guidelines, but have no problem suing and forcing others to conform to their now 80 something different new and ever-changing definitions of gender.    They demand to have biological males competing in women’s sports and cry foul whenever someone objects, painting the objector as narrow minded and hateful.   They want to force the entire world to do what they themselves refuse to do.    We live in a world where laws have been passed that will have a person imprisoned for misgendering another and forces teachers to join in and participate in the fantasies of children or lose their jobs.    Trans people paint themselves as victims, but they are the true bullies, and they won’t stop until everyone is forced to agree and comply with their special agenda. 

Black racists hate anyone who’s not Black; even their own spouses who are not black, because they can’t identify with the Black struggle.  If this black man is a Conservative, he’s an Uncle Tom.  If that black man works in corporate America, socializes with white folks and doesn’t collect African art, he’s a sellout.   If that other black man doesn’t code-switch when he’s with other black folks, he’s not black enough.   Black racism is alive and flourishing.   Black racists demand that everyone conform to their new and distorted definition of racism, custom-crafted specifically to exempt them and include only white people.  

The point is that all of these groups are out of their minds and can’t see the forest for the trees.   The victim mentality has consumed them.    Each blames others for doing exactly what they themselves do every day.    They deflect and shift blame and responsibility to others while claiming that they are immune from those same foibles.   They refuse any kind of accountability whatsoever.  

Maybe if these groups stopped and actually looked at each other, they might see they have a lot in common and get along, because THEY’RE ALL USING THE SAME EXACT PLAY BOOK. 


Social Media, Too Much information and the Lack of Common Sense Gun Laws