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“I HATE WHITE PEOPLE!”, or . . . Racist, not Righteous.

I’m told that in Japan, they think they are better than everyone else.  China, the same way.   Germany, likewise.   Some African tribes with very dark skin think they are superior to those with lighter skin.   In America, it’s just the opposite; Black folks with lighter skin look down on those with darker skin.

Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, it seems to be a human condition to believe that you, your family, your country, or your race are superior to others.  It might even be normal and natural, though you won’t catch anyone saying this for fear of being labeled a racist.  

All of us White folks have gotten used to be grouped together as racists, but we’re not alone. 

Black hate and overt racism is very real.   

What most White people don’t know is that many Black folks are biased against other Black people.    The angry Black people will say it’s because White people created stereotypes of Black people that other Blacks have been programmed to believe.   With some people, when all is said and done, it seems there’s always White people to blame. 

Many Black folks absolutely hate White people.  Some admit it publicly, but most reserve these views and opinions for when White folks aren’t around.   In private, they make jokes about, and laugh at White people.   They have a spoken, and unspoken understanding that White people will never be as good, never be as creative, or never be have as much soul as any Black person.   White people don’t have any style, they can’t dance, play jazz, play basketball or football and are just inferior to Blacks., and they will never be allowed to join the “cool” fraternity.   It’s amusing how angry people get when you treat them the way they treat you.    Many Black folks love throwing out the word “racist” but when it’s directed at them, they lose their everloving minds.  

Some Black folks are amazingly angry about slavery, and want to blame the descendants of White people who did, and those who did not own slaves.    Their lives revolve around racism and hate, and they like it that way.    They want to blame every condition, every social problem, and every one of their personal problems on racism.  It’s far easier than self-reflection and taking even a shred of responsibility for their own lot in life.   They even hate the White people who are not racists, because those White people will never understand the issues Black people have and in the end, they are White, so they’re to blame anyway.   To them, White people are monolithic and all share the blame for slavery; even those of us whose ancestors came to the U.S. long after slavery ended. 

My former best friend is Black.  He went to one of the best universities in America, and as far as I know, he didn’t pay for anything.  He told me he was accepted because he had a referral from a Senator or Congressman.   He lives in a $500,000+ beautifully furnished custom home in an upscale suburban neighborhood. just a quick walk from a city park and schools, which he was able to buy with a no-money-down VA loan.    He and his wife own three late model vehicles.  He owns his own business.   He lives and works in a beautiful, clean city in Texas and has more than most people will ever dream of.   He goes to Starbucks almost every morning, has takeout for dinner several times a week and barbecues steaks on his back patio every Sunday.    He spends more money eating out than my entire grocery budget.    In spite of all this, he hates Texas, Texans and America.  He hates most of his neighbors, the police, other teachers and coaches at the school where he works, his co-workers, his elected officials and almost every one he comes in contact with, because they are all White.   He lives in a far nicer home than any I have ever had and enjoys a standard of living I can only dream of, but he actually believes that life has been unfair to him, and that he’s justified in his hatred of America and all White people.   

I couldn’t afford to go to university, never had a referral from a Senator and live in a dwelling a small fraction the size of his.     Shouldn’t I be the one who is bitter and angry?

Why is he this way?  To hear him tell it, every single day is a fight, with someone calling him a N****r every time he turns around.   

I think it’s because he looks for racism.  He wants racism.  He craves racism.    He eats, sleeps and breathes racism to justify his hatred for White people.  I have found that if a person wants to find something, they will always find that which they are looking for.    It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.   Since he goes out of his way to find racism, he always does . . . or at least believes he does.  When he’s treated rudely at the store, it was because of racism.  When life throws him a curve ball, racism.   When someone disagrees with anything he says; racism.   In my association with him, there was not one single element of his life that he would not attribute to racism.  Education, health care, employment, the Criminal Justice System, mortgages, lotteries, illegal drugs, fashion, clothing, hair styles, the meteorologist on the nightly news;  every one racist.   Even the system of highways in America.  And just last week, I found out that BMI, Body Mass Index is now racist.   Not a single thing is exempt.  EVERYTHING is racist.  

He had me believing that only White people were racist.  In point of fact, he told me straight up that only White people could be racist, and I didn’t question it.   He said Black people could not be racist, because they are Black.   

But I now know that he was flat-out wrong.   Deeply deluded or just so blinded by hate that he can’t see the truth.

He calls himself Righteous, but he’s really Racist.  Similar sounding words.  Opposite meanings.  

The truth is that he is the single most racist person I’ve ever met.  He told me hundreds of times “I hate White people”.   Think about how powerful and hateful that statement is.  I have heard many White people use racial slurs and tell racist jokes, but not once in my 70 years have I ever heard a White person say “I hate Black people.”   Not a single time, and I’ve met some real racist  losers.

Unfortunately, he has now changed the way I see Black people.    I never pre-judged Black people before he taught me about Black racism.   I now wonder if the Black folks I meet are as filled with the same hate, loathing and contempt for White people that he is.    I’m now afraid to get close to, or befriend a Black person for fear they are as angry and hate-filled as my former best friend.   I just don’t need anyone else in my life who hates me simply because I’m White.  

How ironic, and sad.    He has created the very thing he loves to hate.