Alexander Short was born on February 10, 1926 and died on December 8, 2017 at the age of 91; proof that only the good die young. His full name was Alexander Stuart Short. His initials were A.S.S., which was so very appropriate.
During his life, he had two wives and seven children. The fourth child died shortly after birth and the eldest grew to wish he’d never been born.
Alex will not be missed by his eldest son, who knows that this world is a better place without him. Much as geriatric Nazis fool their neighbors into believing they are kindly old men, it doesn’t change the truth about what they did when they were younger. Alex’ legacy is that of a monster who brutalized and tortured his eldest son, who is now almost 70 years old.
While Alex is gone, the pain he inflicted and the terrible memories he created will last until the son draws his last breath, despite the fact the two hadn’t seen each other in almost half a century. The real tragedy of child abuse is that it doesn’t end when the child becomes an adult or the abuser dies. The pain and suffering endure.
Satan takes many forms
The back story. . . . .
Alex was married to Louise, and their first child, a boy, was born in 1953. The child was healthy, good looking and bright; everything parents hope for. His mother called him “Butterball”.
For reasons that are unknown, Alex hated the child. Emotional, psychological and physical abuse were ongoing and ever-present for as far back as the son can remember. As a toddler, he had difficulty sleeping because of the constant nightmares from the the abuse and the fear of his father. He slept with the covers over his head to protect himself from his father. Like all children, he loved his father, but was afraid of his sudden ,explosive anger, which always seemed directed at him. He still remembers every year as a young boy when he blew out the candles on his birthday cake using his birthday wish to hope that his father would stop hating him.
It would get so much worse.
At four years of age, suddenly and long after he was toilet trained, the little boy developed a medical condition called encopresis. Encopresis, sometimes called fecal incontinence or soiling, is the repeated passing of stool (usually involuntarily) into clothing. Typically it happens when impacted stool collects in the colon and rectum: The colon becomes too full and liquid stool leaks around the retained stool, staining underwear. Eventually, stool retention can cause stretching (distention) of the bowels and loss of control over bowel movements. Encopresis is much more common in boys than girls, and usually occurs when a child has already learned to use a toilet. In most cases, soiling is a symptom of long-standing constipation. It is more often than not the result of emotional issues. It is frustrating for parents and devastating for the child.
Alex was in the Canadian Air Force, so he and his family had free medical insurance through the government. Doctor visits and consults cost him nothing. Did Alex seek advice from professionals? Never. Did Alex take the little boy to the doctor? Not one single time.
Alex was an intelligent man, an officer in the military and he knew the solution. Violence and abuse. He would force the child to stop, so the little boy was constantly punished and degraded. When spankings and beatings failed to solve the problem, the boy was forced to walk around the house naked, utterly humiliated. He was punished, hit, embarrassed and when that didn’t work, Alex brought out the big guns. He would take the little boy’s soiled underwear and put them on the boy’s head, grinding the feces into the boy’s mouth, nose and eyes. What Alex was too stupid and evil to understand is that the problem was a medical condition caused by the emotional, psychological and physical abuse he himself had been inflicting on the little boy. Studies have shown that more than 60% of children with encopresis are victims of abuse, and rates of encopresis are found to be seven-fold higher in both psychologically abused and neglect children compared to non-abused children. Alex abused the child, causing the encopresis, then used the encopresis as an excuse to abuse the child. A circle of abuse from which the boy could not escape.
Alex was fortunate that he committed his crimes in the 50’s and ‘60s. If he did this today, he’d be in prison, where he rightfully belonged.
The little boy grew older, but the problem remained. He constantly soiled himself, and his few friends used to wonder where the smell was coming from. The boy purposely shunned the company of others in his shame and humiliation, and grew to be a loner. The abuse at home continued unabated because the encopresis went undiagnosed by any medical professional. The little boy was terrified of his hypercritical father and afraid of the dark and the nightmares that so often accompanied it. He prayed constantly that he could die to escape his father. At one point, when he was 9 years old, Alex locked him in a dark closet for a full day with a actual human skeleton to traumatize the boy. One way or another, Alex intended to win this battle and dominate his son.
It still didn’t work, and this vulnerable child lived a life of fear at home and shame in public. School was utterly humiliating.
This went on for eight terrible years, as Alex’s frustration and anger grew unabated. The physical abuse of the boy yielded no results. The emotional and psychological abuse yielded no results. Alex constantly hit the boy, usually with an open hand on the side of the head, breaking his eardrums. HIs mother had tried vainly to intervene for years, but this was the 50’s and 60’s and women were expected to obey their husbands in all things.
One day in 1965 or 1966, when the little boy was 12 years old, and in a fit of uncontrollable rage, Alex stripped the little boy naked and dragged him into the bathroom, where he forcibly administered an enema, effectively raping the child, in what was to be his ultimate act of child abuse and domination. Fortunately for the young boy, in his anger and wish to further punish the youth, Alex had accidently stumbled on the cure. Since the boy had been suffering from serious bowel impaction for years, this enema solved the problem. Never again did the youth soil himself. Eight years of abuse, beatings and torture could have been avoided had Alex been a decent father and just taken the boy to a doctor.
Did the abuse stop? Oh, no. It continued unabated, because Alex was frustrated that the boy had refused to submit to his will for so many years. For as long as he can remember, Alex had told the boy “You are the stupidest child I have ever known”, “You are the laziest child I’ve ever known”. “You are the the most worthless child I’ve ever known.” Alex wasn’t satisfied just telling the innocent, vulnerable child that he was unhappy with him, he had to use superlatives to crush his very spirit; telling him he was the worst that had ever been. Alex wielded the destructive, abusive words like a club, bludgeoning the boy with every hate-filled comment, over and over and over again.
One of Alex’ favorite ways of enforcing his dominance was to force the boy to eat canned spinach, knowing he would always vomit at the kitchen table. Each time this resulted in a swift strike to the side of the boy’s head, knocking him to the floor and being sent from the table to isolation in his bedroom. For some of his childhood, the family slept upstairs while the boy stayed in the basement, alone and away from his siblings and parents.
Despite the years of abuse, the boy still loved his father, and all through the years of brutality and abuse he craved his father’s attention and approval. One of his most vivid memories is that Alex taught him to play chess. The youth was a quick study, and when he was 12 years old, the boy checkmated his father while they were playing at the kitchen table. Alex erupted in a rage, viciously slammed the boy on the side of his head knocking him to the floor, then angrily swept the chess set off the table, scattering the board and pieces across the kitchen.
Most fathers want their children to be better than them; it seems Alex was threatened by the boy and wanted to destroy his very soul. He never again played chess with his son.
Alex stopped beating the boy when the encopresis ended. For the next four years, they co-existed in an uneasy relationship with the boy desperately wanting Alex’ approval, and Alex determined never to give it, so at sixteen years of age, the teen left home. He saw his father briefly during the next half dozen years, but by then realized there was no way to resolve Alex’ inexplicable anger and hatred. At 19 years of age, the young man was stranded on his motorcycle in a blizzard in Canada, in danger of freezing or starving to death. He called his father for help, but Alex refused help of any kind, telling his son “You’re on your own.” They saw each other for the last time in 1976 with the young man telling him “Since you think I’m the worst son in the world, I’m going to do you a favor. You never have to see me again”.
He never did.
Fast forward over 40 years to December, 2017. When the boy, now an old man, received the phone call that his father had died, it was the best day of his life; the monster who had abused him so viciously as a child had finally gone to hell where he belonged.
The real irony is that Alex’ three youngest children never saw the abuse, so they don’t believe it ever happened. The other two children were too young to realize what had been ongoing. To each of them, Alex was a loving father figure, and the eldest brother is an ungrateful bastard soiling the good name of their father. Even if true, they don’t really care anyway. Alex tore the family apart, never to be reunited.
This old man wishes he knew why his father hated him so much, but he will never find that answer.
Like the neighbors of so many old Nazis who escaped Germany after WWII and were living in the United States, Alex’ other children only saw the kindly old man they’d come to know and love, rather than the sociopathic monster the geriatric once was, in another time and place. Emotional and physical abuse coupled with a complete lack of nurturing by a sadistic father was absolutely child abuse, plain, pure and simple. And like so many other child abusers, he targeted the eldest child while the other siblings remember him as a loving father. For reasons we will never know, his sadism and anger were directed only at the one child.
Why would any father treat his son like this? How could a father grind feces into a little boys face and then sodomize him? How could anyone expect that son to forgive? Is it legal to dig someone up, tell them what a piece of shit they were, then kill them again?
I’m told Alex had emphysema and/or COPD for his last several years. I hope he died a slow, pain filled death, struggling with each agonizing breath. I know he’s burning in hell, because you only can fool some of the people some of the time.
Say hello to Satan, Dad. You’re in good company, you sick fuck rat bastard.